Dec 2018 - May 2023
Bachelor in Computer Engineering
| IOE, Pulchowk Campus
Percentage: 83.44%
Jul 2015 - May 2017
10+2 National Examination Board (NEB)
| Orchid College
Percentage: 85.5%
Mar 2024 - Present
Software Engineer
| Maitri Services
- Working as a backend developer in Django for healthcare applications.
Apr 2023 - Feb 2024
Software Engineer I
| Cotiviti Nepal
- Worked on developing a full-stack web application utilizing Java/Flask in the backend and Angular in the front end, providing seamless dataset visualization through interactive graphs and tables.
- Collaborate closely with fellow team members, actively contributing to the project's success through effective communication and teamwork.
Oct 2022 - Apr 2023
NLP Research Intern
- Compiled and thoroughly examined datasets in the Nepali language that are well-suited for a range of downstream tasks, including text classification, named entity recognition (NER), part-of-speech (POS) tagging, and other related applications.
Mar 2022 - Feb 2023
Artificial Intelligence Fellowship Recipient
| Fusemachines
- Selected to take part in a comprehensive AI fellowship program that provides a thorough understanding of machine learning and deep learning algorithms as well as hands-on practical sessions.
Jun 2021 - Jul 2021
Gajabaar Infosecurity Mentorship Program
- Participated in 7-week Gajababar Infosecurity Mentorship Program
Projects/ Open Source
EaseAnnotate - Streamlining your annotation and extraction tasks
- Eases the process of document annotation and information extraction, deploying advanced OCR technology to discern text from any scanned or digital document
Pythonify - Python Blog Site
- Developed and currently maintaining a dynamic blog site using Next.js for the frontend, Tailwind CSS for styling, and Markdown for content creation.
- Ensured mobile-friendly design for optimal user experience. Regularly update and enhance the site to provide a continually improved platform for sharing Python-related content.
Sentiment Analysis
- Developed a web-based sentiment analysis application for Nepali text, classifying it into positive, negative, and neutral categories.
- Utilized MURIL, a BERT-based pre-trained model on 17 Indian languages, and fine-tuned it on the NepCOV19Tweets dataset.
Realtime Text Similarity Identification
- Academic (Minor) Project done under Laboratory for ICT Research and Development (LICT)
- Modeled semantic similarity identification of a given query from reference database using algorithms based on Average Word Embeddings, Sentence Transformers and BERT
BE Rank and Priority Analyzer
- Software Engineering and DBMS project
- Created a visualization software to analyze admission priority for IOE entrance students
Huffman Zipper
- Implemented the Greedy Huffman Algorithm for lossless file compression and decompression
- Supports both single and multiple file compression (including binary files)
Voting Dapp
- Implemented a simple Blockchain Based Voting Dapp in React and Solidity
Bank Management System
- Built a bank management System in C that allows users to create, read, update, delete, search, and perform transactions
Skills and interests
Programming Languages
Python, JavaScript, C++, C, Java
NumPy, Pandas, Pytorch, React, Django, Flask, FastAPI
Version Control with Git, Hugging Face, Jira, AWS
PostgreSQL, SQLite, Redis
The Nuts and Bolts of OAuth 2.0
3rd Nepal Winter School in AI, 2021
Deep Learning Specialization
Coursera, DeepLearning.AI
AWS Machine Learning Foundations
AWS Academy Cloud Foundations
AWS Academy Machine Learning Foundations
CS50AI: CS50’s Introduction to Artificial Intelligence with Python
Google IT Automation with Python Specialization
Honors & Rewards
- Won AI Hackathon organized by Cotiviti Nepal
- Won Docsumo DataVerse competition organized by LOCUS 2023